God's Desire
Gods ETERNAL DESIRE is TO MAKE A HOME WITH us. “Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God’s people and members of God’s household” (Ephesians 2: 19).
One God, One Big Family
You can’t do life alone. You need a people you can call a family and a place you can call home. Statistics have shown that the more developed a city is, the higher the chances of loneliness, depression, disconnection, and even suicide. This is the situation with our cities now.
Welcome To Royal Household Church, A one big family everyone can call home,despite age , ethnicity or cultural differences . Here, you will know and worship God, fine connection,discover identity and make a difference.

One God, One Big Family

You can’t do life alone. You need a people you can call a family and a place you can call home. Statistics have shown that the more developed a city is, the higher the chances of loneliness, depression, disconnection, and even suicide. This is the situation with our cities now.
Welcome To Royal Household Church, A one big family everyone can call home,despite age , ethnicity or cultural differences . Here, you will know and worship God, fine connection,discover identity and make a difference.
Meet Our Pastors

Cyril and Georgina
The Basseys
Cyril and Georgina are the lead Pastor of ROYAL HOUSEHOLD church.
A church committed to raising a one big family beyond ethnicity and cultural differences who are passionate about Knowing God, worshipping God and Loving people.
They have proven to be witnesses sent by God to help people discover their identity (in Christ), find hope, healing, sustained fruits of Godly lifestyle and a good testimony in the society. They are happily married, living together with their four Children.

To raise a one big family beyond ethnicity and cultural differences who are passionate about
Knowing God,worshipping God and
Loving people.
Helping people find hope , discover identity and make a difference.
Our values are all about Jesus:
- Know Jesus . Eph 4:13
- Worship like Jesus. John 4:24
- Live like Jesus . Heb 2:1
- Love like Jesus. John 13:34
- Give like Jesus. John 15:13
- To Make Jesus known. Mark 16:15.